Monday, October 29, 2007

A Weekend Full of "Light"

I had the best weekend ever!! I wish it could happen more often! The performing group I was involved with back home ("Light") came up to Utah this weekend to put on a benefit concert in Spanish Fork, Utah, and I had the chance to see them perform and spend the whole day with them at Lagoon on Saturday. It was a blast! I miss those guys soooo sooo much! This group was my life throughout high school. I loved it! It was the best experience of my life thus far. I don't even know if the words I say could ever help someone understand the wonderful times that I had in Light. It was just a great great experience. There is just so much love and happiness that radiate from the kids in the group and especially from our director and his family. I love them so much! The Filichia's (that is the director and his family) do so much for the group. They are some of the finest people I have ever met. They are so loving and I feel so much a part of their family when I'm around them just because that's the kind of people they are. When I first saw Sister Filichia on Friday, I ran and gave her a big hug and we just started crying together. I was so excited to see her and Light! The benefit concert that was going on that night was dedicated to the Filichia's son Tim Filichia Jr. who just recently passed away in a car accident on his way back from Arizona to BYU. Their son was one of the greatest guys I knew and I'm so happy for him now because I know he's in a much better place right now doing a much greater work then he could have ever done here on this earth, but it just hurts me so much to see the Filichia's in so much pain. I love that family so much! Well anyways I had a great time this weekend and loved seeing my friends! It was a lot of fun. I even got to be in the traditional music video that Light makes every year. I felt like I was part of the group again!! The first picture is a picture of me and Whitney Dawe who is a girl from Spanish Fork that hosted me one year when I came up with Light. It was fun seeing her again. I'm wearing her hat that she wore in her performance. The second is Suz with some of our Light buddies after the concert. And the rest are pictures from Lagoon. I had a fun time bonding with all the new kids that joined the group this year AND of course my good ol' buddies from the year before. They were a lot of fun. Light's going to have one heck of a season this year!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Surgery??? WHAT?!?!?!

So today...haha...I went to the doctors for an infected toe that I just recently got. Well I guess it all started Saturday. After I got done playing in the snow, I came in and took off my shoes and socks and I noticed a blister by my big toe nail. I thought it was an odd place to have a blister, but I didn't really think much of it especially since it didn't hurt. Well Monday morning I woke up to it throbbing and it was really big, so right then I decided that it must be infected. I called the doctor to get an appointment and they set it for today at one. So today, I went in not think much about the whole thing and right as I get in they set me down in the chair and the doctor goes..."You aren't allergic to any kind of numbing medicine are you?" I told him no and I still didn't think much about it. Next the nurse has me sign a paper giving the doctor permission to take a "little" sliver of my toe nail out...still, didn't think much of it. After the doctor lays me back in the chair so I couldn't see what he was doing he say, "Okay, this may hurt a little" and I just said "Okay" STILL not thinking anything of it. Oh man!! It was the most pain I've ever been in my life! haha! That just goes to show you how much pain I've been exposed to in my life. I immediately knew what he had been hiding behind my feet. It was a needle!!! Ahhhh! Good thing he didn't show me or I might have flipped out and just decided to live off Advil the rest of my life! I don't think anyone knows my fear of needles better than my mom does...but that's story for another day haha! Anyways, after that was all done and I had stopped crying (I admit it okay...I did let a few tears slip...IT REALLY HURT THOUGH!!...It was kind of a laugh cry so the doctor didn't feel awkward), all I could feel was pressure on my toe and that was it. Then he bandaged it up and the nurse told me that I did good in my surgery. Ahhhhh...I had a surgery and I didn't even know it was going to happen. I'm never going back to the doctors again!!! haha!

A Faulty Prank

Late Saturday night, possibly early Sunday morning, (right after the snow) I walked into the living room due to some disturbing noises that I heard at the door. It kind of scared me at first, but I immediately realized that it was just someone hanging out by our door. But what were they doing? So I opened up the door to find Benjamin and Sam from our FHE group caught in the midst of a prank that they were trying to pull on us. Haha! Suckers!! They were trying to block our door by piling snow up in front of it!!!! I couldn't believe it! They seemed liked such nice boys too! Haha just kidding! Because the door was wide open though, the snow fell into our apartment. I made them get it out, while I took pictures of them for my blog (it's funny how that was my first thought..."I GOTTA TAKE PICTURES FOR THE BLOG!!") Well anyways, they assured me that it still was going to happen even though I had caught them. So then I assured back to them that THIS WAS WAR!! In the morning we woke up to the snow piled in front of our door. We never got to see the full affect though because half of it fell over in the night and all we saw in the morning was the bottom half in front of our door and the top half on the ground broken up. Haha! It was funny though! So does anyone have any ideas?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

IT'S SNOWING!!!!! (just picture Toodles from Hook saying that and slamming the door)

The weather here in Utah is so weird! Let me tell ya! So yesterday night I posted pictures of us at the Halloween party. The whole night the weather was fine. It wasn't even cold. Me and Suzanne were walking around in just our costumes the whole time and we were fine. So this morning we woke up and it was as cold as could be. We had heard it was going to rain (this really wasn't that big of a shocker though since it has rained here almost every Saturday since we've been here), but we got something a lot different then rain. It SNOWED! It was awesome!!! It actually snowed on Wednesday night as well, but this snow stuck today. It was sweet! I wish I knew how to post some of the videos I took with my camera because those actually do the snow a lot more justice then what the pictures do. It was so much fun. We all ran outside when we realized it was snowing and just played and played. It was some narley snowflakes out there tonight!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ward Halloween PARTAAA!!!

Tonight was the Ward Halloween Party! It was so much fun! I took a ton of pictures because of my new calling as the ward publicity co-chairman, so here are a few of them. Me and Suzanne went as Wilma and Betty from the Flintstones. It wasn't always going to be that way though. We were planning on being Jesse and Kelly from Saved by the Bell, but then we got to thinking that we might have a better chance of winning best costumes if we were actually somebody that people would recognize. Well we didn't win the best costumes because we arrived late and they were just starting to announce them as we entered the doors, but we still had a lot of fun doing it! AND it was only $4 for our costumes. We went to Walmart and bought some cheapie sheets and some hair spray dye, and we were set. It was awesome! In some of the pictures you will see some of the different costumes that were worn at the party. My favorite are Vicky and Daniel who were sporting a gothic punk look tonight. Ya, it was pretty freaky. I did Vicky's hair for her. Vicky's my next door neighbor by the way. She's Lanae and Becky's roommate. She was really excited about this one.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Conference Weekend!!

So this weekend we were visited by our bestest friends Lauren Olson, Lauren Sandburg, and Sarah Allen, AND Sarah's mom of course. We were REUNITED!! They drove up here all Friday and from there it has been non stop partying! I realized how much I've missed my friends when they came up here and we were all together! It was so much fun!! "I LOVE OUR FRIENDS!" That's what we've been saying all weekend to each other (it's an inside joke... and that's another story). Haha, Man, I really do love my friends though. We've had some good times! I hope we never lose touch, but I guess that happens sometimes. I DON'T WANT IT TO THOUGH!!! We devised an email plan before they left though and told each other that we are going to write to each other every Sunday and tell each other a little bit about our week. Just like a paragraph or something like that, but I hope that we are able to do that. They just left like an hour and a half ago, and let me tell ya...there were many sad tears. We all cried! It was so sad!! Jessa started us and then it was me and then it was Sarah and then Lauren and then everyone else. It was a chain reaction! Haha! And then we all started laughing. haha! It was funny! Well enjoy the pictures...I love them!

Eatting at Costa Vida

In the car over to Salt Lake

In the Stand by line for conference! It was raining and freezing and awesome!!! We bearly were able to get in...we were lucky!!

Suz and Lauren got a little carried away

Saying Bye to Larzie, Lauren Sandbags, and Sahara

Sarah, Lauren, and Sarah's mom saying bye to us

Sam's Had a Birthday Shout Hooray!!

So...Last Monday was Sam's birthday! We stayed up unto 12:01 AM on Monday and celebrated! Here's some of the pictures we took! Typical late night party...but then there was cupcakes! Sam let us have some of her cupcakes that her parents sent her for her birthday, so we had a little fun with those. Our neighbors Lanae and Becky came over to celebrate also. They were friends from back home.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

This One's for You Mom!!

I told my dearest Mommy that I would post these pictures so she had the joy of seeing what me and my roomates do every night before we go to bed and here it is!!!!! Haha! Actually we don't do this every night....just every other night! Or whenever we get slap happy, which happens quite often here because of the lack of sleep that we get. Oh man! This was great fun! So how it happened...being a BYU student, it is almost required to have a facebook (which is something sort of similar to the whole blogging system) to be considered "in with the crowd" as you might call it because EVERYONE here has one. So in most of our down time you will either find me, Suzanne, or Sam on our facebook looking at other people's facebooks, looking at pictures, leaving comments to our friends, and, mine and Suzanne favorite, taking the movie quizzes (yessss!). So it was a night quite like this and Suzanne decided to take the Princess Bride movie quiz and it all went down hill from there. Suzanne found this really funny picture of the 3 guys for Princess Bride and we both laughed our head off, then we printed it out and put it on our wall and labeled them "Mary, Sam, and Suzanne". And then we got the bright idea to dress up like them and take pictures of ourselves (Oh, the crazy things you do in college when you are board and have nothing to do). It was rather humorous! We had to stuff my cheeks full of cotton balls and my shirt full of other shirts to make me look bigger, Sam drew a mustache (which is pretty obvious), and Suzanne put some nilons over her head. Shhhhhhh...don't tell them I posted these!