Sunday, December 14, 2008

Greeting Cards Have All Been Sent (well almost)

My roommates and I got together today and took Christmas pictures. Christmas cards will soon be sent out for us living here at Lexington #13! Yesssss!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

LIGHT is here again!

Yes, yes, the time has come again for my dear Light friends to join us Light alumni here in Utah. I can't express how much I love that group! They mean so much to me! How long has it been since I haven't been in the group?? And still, nothing has changed! Every time I see them and join them again I feel at home. I feel like I belong. The Filichia's really have done some great things for this group. I love and appreciate them so much! They are such great people...I can't say that enough. Tonight me and my roommates had the opportunity to join Light in a fireside or "a night of inspiration" as Bro. Filichia calls it. Seriously, I haven't felt as good as I did tonight in a long time. Being able to sing with this group again means so much to me. I feel so whole when I sing with them. We are so unified as a group. That's the unique thing about matter if I know any kids in the group or not, I know I will always feel like I belong. I love that! My heart is so full right now...too full to even express. Sometimes I miss the group so bad that it makes me really sad. But I know that even though we are all going separate ways now that when we get to heaven and can all be together again that we are never going to stop singing together. And then we'll get more people to join and EVERYONE will be one giant Light. That's really what it is that I love about Light; we all have the same desire and that is to come closer to our Heavenly Father. It's just so cool that we get to do it together.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Win, I Win!!

Seriously, this is the coolest thing that has ever happened to me in this lifetime! Okay maybe that was a little bit of an exaggeration, but it gives you an idea of how cool it was. I entered this photo contest here at BYU for my study abroad experience in China a while back. On Thursday I got an email and they told me that I got 2nd place, 3rd place, and FOUR honorable mentions!!!! AWESOME! I will receive a $125 prize. Ya, I all want to be me! $125 for sending in a couple of photos! Now that's what I'm talking about!

2nd Place: Entertaining the Little One

3rd Place: Happiness Can Be Found Anywhere

Honorable Mention: We Flit, We Fly

Honorable Mention: Laughter is Key

Honorable Mention: Our Humble Abode

Honorable Mention: Rain, Rain Go Away

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Donnie and Marie

We have new pets! Today me and my roommates went to Walmart and got 24 cent goldfish and named them Donnie and Marie. Two peas in a pod that Donnie and Marie. They love each other! And we love them! They are the best pets in the world! I do have to say though that I don't know if Donnie and Marie will ever live up to my former goldfish Mike, but they are still good little pets. Man, it's been ten years almost since I was united with my best goldfish in the world...MIKE! Gotta love that Mike...named after my dad for his birthday present! What a great gift!

I'm so excited for Donnie and Marie!

We wanted to make them feel more at home...

Home sweet home!

Becky had some serious bonding time with the fish. She stared at them for like 15 minutes!!

Halloween is Heeeeeeeeeere

I love fall and Halloween season! It has to be the best season of the year besides Christmas! Although I do find good times in every season of the year. That's really all I have to say on that though. Me and my roommates decorated our apartment!!! Yay! Take a look!

We picked fall leaves off the tree and taped them to our walls...we improvise! That's how we do it around here at BYU.

Meet Aragog Jill's spider...He hangs from the ceiling fan

Jill's throwing the leaves up in a perfect pattern!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hello all! I don't really know how to brake into this post, so I'm just going to cut to the chase and go straight into things! I love life and I'm glad I'm where I'm at right now! I'm happy I guess you could say. I'm growing in many ways and am doing my best to hang on. It's actually been a whole lot easy for me this semester. I've been able to discipline myself in managing my time more wisely and discipline myself in the activities I participate in. I know how to cook now! Amazing! Who would have thought it be possible! I cook every Saturday for my roommates and my meals have gone splendid if I do say myself. This past week was homecoming week. I love homecoming week. It's fun! I love seeing all the families on campus and the "Y" lite up at night time. Yesterday was the homecoming parade and I got to dance in it with my fellow folk dance friends. It was freezing! I volunteered to help blow up balloons at 7 in the morning for the parade and it definitely snowed while we were blowing them up. Luckly, the snow stopped before the parade started so we didn't have to dance in it. We got really hot and sweaty while we were dancing anyways, so that helped us not to be so cold. I asked Suzanne to take some pictures of me in the parade so I could post them, but the pictures didn't turn out so good. Oh well, I'll post them anyways. Suzanne ended up video taping me and her camera and gave my camera to our friend Karen to take pictures with and she zoomed up a little to close. That's okay, I have the memory engrained in my well as those dang dances!! Man, I don't think I'll ever want to dance one of those dances as long as I live. We danced them so much yesterday! It was really tiring too! So here are the pictures...

Here's the happy couple freezing as they wait for me to show up in the parade so they can take my picture.

Miss Santaquin...isn't she lovely?! I don't know why but me and Suzanne get a kick out of the name Santaquin. We laugh every time we drive through Santaquin or see anything to do with Santaquin. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that Suzanne didn't take this picture for no reason. It was for our own enjoy.

Woo hoo!! The beginning of our folk dancers!!

Some folk dancers

This is half of my friend Aaron's face. He's my friend from last year and I hooked him up with the folk dance team. We are now on the same team, which is a lot of fun!

My face!!! Yay!!!

A better picture of my face in the parade...woo hoo!

I have some more pictures to share with ya'll. They're all random so you might be a little confused as to when they took place, but I'll just let you know that they have all happened since I've been back here at BYU.

Me on body shrunk!

Our dear friend Spencer Anapol from last year left on a mission to South Africa while we were up here and we were able to attend his farewell. Oh how we miss that Spencer!!

Oh Spencer...gotta love this kid!

So this one night, some people decorated my was rad!

Haha! This was some good times!! I about peed my pants (literally) because I was laughing so hard. So this one night we went to a dance party on campus and after it was over Suzanne, Jill, my work buddy James, and I decided to stand with the family statues on campus and see if anyone noticed us as they passed by. We had some funny reactions. Of course I couldn't keep a straight face, so I kind of blew our cover, but it was really funny!!

This is James and Suzanne (the same night) being silly

Sunday, September 28, 2008

As of Late...

As of late I am still doing very well! I'm still very busy like I said last post, but I love it! I don't think anything too exciting happened to me this past week. Some ol' same ol'. I've been spending a lot of time in the anatomy lab where we finally started working on the cadavers. They aren't as scary as I thought they would be. I got to handle an arm on Friday, which was kind of interesting, but it went rather well. The human body is an amazing thing, that's all I have to say. I don't know how anyone could study the human body and not know that there is a God. God does live and because we have to scriptures we can know that we were created after his own image. It's awesome stuff! So I've had a few requests to post some pictures of my room here, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. It's really not that great, but it suits me. I'm a college student, I don't care what my room looks like. I don't have time to care!!

My side of the mountain

My closet full of clothes

Suzanne's side of the mountain

Suzanne's closet full of clothes

P.S. I'm finally learning how to play my guitar! Horray for me! When I get really good I'll have to post a video of me or something.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hiking the "Y"

Saturday, was a wonderful day! Me and Suzanne woke up bright and early and hiked the "Y". This was a lot better experience then the last time I hiked it, b/c if any of my family members recall, I had a not-so-great date who ditched me while hiking the "Y" last time. Haha, just kidding. No hard feelings toward the poor boy, all is forgiven! I had a good time though this past Saturday! I felt very athletic getting up so early and actually doing something that involved putting on my running shoes. I've decided I better start taking advantage of these things before the snow comes though. It was nice to get up and do something other then school. Sometimes you just have to set aside a little time for yourself, especially here at BYU when school is so hectic crazy!! Oh man, I feel like my days go by so fast b/c every second is filled up with school. Days fly here! Don't get me wrong though, I love it! That's just my personality I guess, I hate not having something to do. Ya, so sorry I haven't kept up with my blog. It's been crazy! But life is great! I'm learning a lot about life and school. Dance is going great! I dance for five hours or more everyday! Gotta love it! I do though, I really do! I'm getting better everyday. Some days I feel like it comes slower then other days, but I know it will all pay off in the end. I miss my family too! I hope all is well with my family where ever you may be! You guys are the bomb! I'll try posting every Sunday. Now here are some pics...

The Beautiful Provo Valley

BYU campus...great view!!!

Suzanne making her "Y" while on the "Y"

Suzanne was my model for the hike...

The birthday cake Temple...Gotta love it!

Okay, so this is the only picture me and Suzanne could get together. We were supposed to be looking at the camera, but we weren't and then my camera stopped working.