Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easters Everyone!

I had a grand old time with Alissa, Andrew, Talon, and Lisa this Easter! Seriously was a lot of fun! I met Andrew and Alissa at their apartment and then we went to Talon and Lisa's for dinner (if you don't know who Talon and Lisa are they are some of Andrew and Alissa's friends that we eat dinner with every once and a while). Lisa and Talon were great and hid Easter eggs for everyone to find, which ended up being just Andrew and I because we got so excited that we ran through the house before anyone else could and found all the Easter eggs. I'm rich now everyone! I found an egg full of pennies...that's right full to the brim with pennies! Man, am I one lucky girl! Actually I think Andrew stole my eggs so he now has all my money (Dang it!). Anyways, dinner was superb! We had lots of good stuff! And then Alissa and Andrew gave us our Easter baskets! They are too kind, too kind! I loved my basket! My favorite part though was the kite! Yes...I received a Dora the Explorer kite from my favorite brother named Andrew (my other favorite brother is named Zach!). So cool!!! Andrew also got Alissa and himself a kite so we went and flew them! It was so fun! I was telling Andrew that I think the last time I flew a kite was when I was like 9 years old and Dad got me a Sailor Moon kite, Andrew a Pepsi kite, and Zach some cool kite that I can't remember. Anyways that pretty much made my day. Then Alissa, Lisa, and I played frisbee while the boys went in and played the Nintendo Wee. And then we went in to join them. I took a few pictures, but the best pictures I don't have! Man! We took some sweet pictures with Lisa's camera while we were outside playing in the grass like little kids. I'll have to get those sometime and post them. Alissa and I did some sweet jumps in our pictures! So here are the poopie pictures anyways.