Sunday, November 11, 2007


This morning was such a beautiful morning! It was cloudy (which I love) and it was just so great! So I kind of had a little inspiration from my next door neighbor Megan. I had woken up earlier then Sam (Suzanne's not here this weekend by the way. She went home for her grandma's funeral) so after I had already gotten ready for the day and Sam still wasn't awake, I decided to go visit the neighbors. Megan was the only one awake there so I sat and talked to her for a while. She showed me her sketch book (she wants to be a computer animator) and that's where the inspiration began! I wanted to I went back to my dorm and whipped out a pencil and paper...I didn't know what to draw though. Right as I thought that I looked out my window and there was the most picturesque scene I have ever beheld!!!! It was the playground and the huge tree outside my dorm. It was so pretty though because there was leaves everywhere! I loved it! It was quite romantic actually! And I was in a romantic mood, so I took my party outside on the park bench right next to the playground and tried drawing the scene I saw. It was fun! I get a great satisfaction in doing the arts! It was so relaxing! I think that's why I like singing and dancing so much! It's an art! Gotta love it!

The view from my window

The park bench I sat on



Debbie said...

Where is your drawing? You are so talented at creating such fun replicas of people and scenes that I was looking forward to seeing another of your creations!! May it's not done and we will get to see it in another post! Hope so.

Annie said...

Yeah, I'm with mom...where's the drawing?!!!!
I know how you feel though when you see something inspirational and want to create art with it. I see beatiful things all the time and just want to photograph it all!


Thats sounds like so much fun Mary-Berry! im so glad your having such a good time at the Y! I miss you! I think i will get myself a robe and visit you some time!!!