Sunday, November 1, 2009


I auditioned for the dance major just this past Friday. This is a huge deal if you didn't know! It's something I've been waiting for for 2 years now. So it was a bit of a nerve racking experience. For the audition they took us into a room where there was a long panel of "judges". Actually they were just the full time faculty members at BYU so I knew almost all of them (except for the Ballroom and Ballet teachers, but they only made up a small portion of the 15-20 teachers). It was kind of intimidating. We learned a ballet, modern, ballroom, and folk routine for the first part of the audition. We danced all of them for the teachers. From there we waited to hear if we had been given a call back or not. After about an hour I found out I made a call back! I was so happy! For the call backs, we were to perform a one minute solo for the teachers. This was a solo that we were to have had choreographed before the audition. I choreographed my solo. It's actually one that I have been working on for a while...or at least thinking about for a while. I put a lot of thought into it. It all started last year in my creative workshop class. We went to the art museum here on campus and our assignment was to receive inspiration for a dance from one of the paintings. The painting that I chose was one of Christ. I forget the title of the piece, but it's of Christ and he is lifting up a tent door looking inside to the man hiding in there. It's a very touching piece. I thought about it for a while and this is my inspiration. My piece that I choreographed for the major auditions is about the comfortless person in need of healing and then them receiving that healing through Christ. It was a really cool experience to be able to choreograph something like this. Like I said, I've been thinking about this for a long time. I'm glad I finally finished it, but I don't think this is the last of this piece. The piece was only allowed to be a minute long due to the great amount of people that would be auditioning, so it's not that long. I really want to take it to greater heights later and maybe expound on it. We'll see. For right now it's really short, so I hope you enjoy it. Remember to keep in mind what the piece is about as you watch it, and I think it will mean a lot more to you.

P.S. - I don't know if I made it into the major yet. I'm still waiting to find out, but I feel like I did my best. I'll keep you posted about that.


Debbie said...

Absolutely beautiful!!!! You have a real gift Mar!

Annie said...

Mar you rock. That was really cool. You'll make it into the major for sure. Thanks for taking the time to post this. It's the only way I feel like I can keep up with you these days. Smooches!

Debbie said...

this is your daddy speaking and I really loved it. I even had to wipe a tear!!

Liza said...

Mary that was so great! I'm at a loss for words...truly beautiful. I was going to say bomb dot com, but your dance far exceeds bomb dot com status. I don't even have words to express my emotion...I guess that means that I will start choreographing a dance to express my feelings about your dance so that I can perform it next time we meet. No, seriously, that was BEAUTIFUL!!

Michelle said...

wow that was really beautiful mary! You have become such an amazing dancer. Besides the fact that you're amazing I think the concept of the piece and the music contributed to how beautiful it was. I loved it! Thank you for posting it.

Whitney said...

Mary I am so proud of you! What a beautiful dance! It spoke to me. I love the song choice as well. That songs sends chills up and down my spine everytime I hear it. You are an amazing dancer.

Whitney said...

Mary I am so proud of you! What a beautiful dance! It spoke to me. I love the song choice as well. That songs sends chills up and down my spine everytime I hear it. You are an amazing dancer.